Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Amsterdam and Zaan Sach

Van Gogh Museum
guan ying temple

That was a very tiring bus trip....

from London victoria -- Ashford International-- bus ride onto train of Eurotunnel -- Calais--Belgium--- Einhoven(Netherlands)-- Amsterdam

Back Amsterdam--Den Haag--Rotterdam--Antwerp--Calais---bus onto Ferry-- Dover(UK seaport, not the Singapore one) --Canterbury-- London Victoria

Amsterdam-- a place where smoking Cannabis(大麻) and eating Magic mushroom are legal. Don't ask me about how well they taste. I dare not even one to try. But the city centre especially red light district is full of bad smell (can't describe). It is also a place where urinating in open space is possible(There are plentiful of 'phone post' along the street in Amsterdam).

Zaan Sach is a place to see working windmill. There is one that used for squeezing oil. I am gl;ad to see chinese brochures in many attraction points in Netherlands. Maybe chinese culture and language are well respected and treated here. People there speak English well too. Not like UK....

oil grinding workshop in windmill
which one is the real animal? Those who guess it first time right will get the sweets from there.
village house, wide at the front but actually like normal triangular roof at the back
My silly photo in Heineken Brewery, I got another stupid video in city as well.

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