Wednesday, 27 June 2007

New plant in Singapore

Just Have a meeting with Operation Director and QC director of singapore plant. It was good to know that everything on setting up goes well. However, there was nothing much about the job offer. So far as I could find out is their schedule of when to make job offer and what kind of benefit in terms of transport could be possible. So everything will be out of midst from November 07 onwards. There is a possibility to go back for work earlier but will not be more than a month before my training ends. Everything sounds promosing as the director said( that's always diplomatic). The only disadvantage for me and peers in slough is the size of group that will not gain any upper hand when there is a conflict with US trainees in the new plant. But that's exactly how working environment will be, never a good place to make friends and go easy.

There was a hue and cry about the stipend difference between ours and next batch of trainees(the STRECH). So an appeal will be written upon every trainee's consent. Personally I do not think the sponsor going to raise the stipend anymore as the contract was fixed last year(there is only an option to take it or leave it). So despise all the differences in exchange rate and living costs over US and UK. Both side was paid sufficient money for survival. It was always enough if that meant for survival only. So I do not think we should appeal. Hoever once again, to fulfill the desire of most trainees. I have to give this a nod even though it is quite impossible. So I compromise once again...


潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

Welcome back soon~~~~

zhaidewei said...

Thanks. Don't know what to bring back for you and others.