Thursday, 26 February 2009

Day and night

I wonder why do a plant need to operate at night. I wonder why things cannot be easier at night. Two months of night shift going to end soon, but has the problem been solved. Apparently not, managers do not seem to understand and accept the issues. Sometimes, I do hear one of them working very hard to get things done smoothly, however, the results always futile. Can communication get better? Can there be less problem? Can we not rush for work? Can we have one united mind to get things done well?

I work very hard to get the things done. But nothing seems to work well either. Sometimes, I would really like to be back to office during off days to settle more things. But I have to make sure I have the stamina to continue shift works on subsequent hours.

What is the best way out?

Friday, 12 December 2008

the yellow ceiling

刚刚在电视节目中看到了久违的黄色天花板,,那是大学的特色。是为了新生与访客而漆成的。他们可以沿着黄色天花板到达餐厅、讲堂、运动中心、行政楼、图书馆等。也是为了把危险区与宁静区隔开的办法。这样的划分,当然已经越来越少了,就算是在其他的大学与学院,也不再出现。可是,这就是NUS 的校园特色。希望下次回去,这些天花板还继续保留着,虽然人事已非。

Monday, 1 December 2008

Customer service

Just came back from a short trip to Malacca recently. I had three meals back in Malaysia. All of them are pretty rush but the feelings are very different. The first coffee shop at the border town has greatly disappointed me a lot. Although it is not a big business, we are not the regular customers either. The were no one to take order for drinks at all. Even when come to pay up, the boss does not seem to be polite either.
The second one is lunch in Malacca. We arrived there around 2pm. So the foods were served pretty fast. The whole table was filled up with 8 dishes in 10 minutes. However, we all could not clear all of them in time. The waitresses there were very polite and meticulous in handling this situation. By getting small plates for unfinished dishes, keep attention on filling up our teas and always standby to answer customer needs. I find the experience very comfortable.
The third one is dinner in Yongpeng. We all throught that the dinner would be simple but it turned up to be a 8 course meal. The waitresses there were not very professional enough. Dishes turned up too fast as well after 8minutes waiting. But they do not distribute the soup, nor do they split up the big fishes. When the dishes covered most part of table, they did not request to remove any or rearrange some to keep in extra. I was a bit surprised by this 'passivity'. Luckily they did take extra requests on getting water and pack 'leftover'.
From there I can see such difference in terms of their 'servicing training '. If service ettique was not re-enforced. I think eat-out experience will be poorer in the place we live. The same type of attitude is also important to our work life. If we just want the benefit but does not care about our customers and colleague, we will definitely make nothing of return.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

HongKong Food and lifestyle

I had been to HongKong a week. But it is only now I start to write about how I see that place. That's my firts time there. I spent about a week at there. Really feel happy about the trip there. I have been asking my colleague who came from HongKong about a lot of things in their lives. But there are really somethings so nice about this place. I like the food there, the taste is always just nice... not too strong as compared to the food I have in Singapore. Maybe that is their culture to have a nice meal. People here are too overwhelmed by food variety. But there is not enough time (and properly quantity of food) to enjoy the texture. So maybe the taste is one concern only but not the only one.

I do not know when JB can reach even the standard in Singapore. Maybe people there were even more driven by life....

The pressure and pace there is almost in par with Singapore. However, most people I see are not too impatent(except some minibus drivers). Things need to be done fast and good. All HongKongers are working together well to achieve that. The mtr trains never get too crowded. Thanks to the staff there.

The flats and houses mainly covered by mosaic ceramic. Maybe that is the way to save cost. As people there may not be so lucky to have government to take care of the flats and common areas like Singapore.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Choice of Path

Recently, I was handpicking a few photos to be my desktop background. One of them appear to be like:

IT really shows how my life curve is at this moment. A valley ahead then the path in front is very unclear. I think that is a good time to be calm and think I should be doing next. Slowing down the pace but still keep a momentum to climb up the next slope.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Safety! Caution!

前天上午,在办公室内得知一位同事在采收WFI 时不慎被溅出的热水烫伤,我这才警觉,建筑工地是陷阱重重,千万不可因为常常出入, 就对安全事项与手续掉以轻心。就如之前另一位同事尚未签署安全评估准证就步入工地,身为小组负责人的我并没有坚持签署准证,要是出了事,后果真的是不堪设想,总之这段时间还是把防备工作与警戒心把握好,才进入工地办事,这样或许能免除不必要的麻烦与可预防的意外。

Monday, 19 May 2008

What I learnt in life(number1)

The most important thing I have learnt during my training time in UK is : To appreciate whatever people have done, good or bad. I think maybe people there are not so straight forward. They are more considerate about others' feelings as well as 'face'. People in Singapore tends to be more straight forward at work. This maybe due to fast pace of life. People need to get things clear to have the job done. But sometimes it is too easy for people to jump into conclusion based on a few words. It is also sad to say something that may upset a lot of people easily. But how to make sure what have been said out is exactly what other people want to hear. The only way one can do that is to take a second or two to pause, cool down, and think what other wants. Well, it is hard to do so because we are either too busy or too frustrated with the current situation. I am still practising on that. The biggest obstacle to me is my fast changing temper. Others may have been pissed off by my defensive statement before they want to continue conversation(or maybe not). The second obstacle is my slow response. I will usually take some time to understand those implicated statements or suggestive questions. That could possibly cause me to fall into a stereotype which I have not ever want to be.