Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Monday, 22 January 2007


这篇日记已起草快三个星期了,好不容易才放了进来。篇名凑巧与孙燕姿的歌名相同, 说的是一群不相干的人凑在一起, 相处久了,就渐渐地模仿起对方的小动作或口头禅。这些人就变成了' 同类' 。 而后想融入他们的圈子,就得“Everthing up to you, I anything ok”, 难道这就是人类社会的生存法则吗?

Thursday, 4 January 2007

new year, new year

It's 2007. saw an blog done by my friend. Suddenly I was impelled to write something, or put something on web. So here I start this blog. Hopefully, those people who I am going to make bad comment on will never see this. By the way, I don't always need to write in English, my madarin is good enough to express my feeling, Malay pun boleh!